Government Agencies & Officials
Elected Officials
澳门正规网赌网址大全委员会,有五名选举产生的委员. Meet our County Commissioners and view a map of the commission districts.
How do I get in touch with my Commissioner?
You can reach the Commission office at 941.743.1300.
The clerk keeps court records and commission meeting minutes among many other services.
What agencies are in the area?
The Punta Gorda Police 在蓬塔戈尔达市范围内提供服务 Charlotte County Sheriff serves countywide.
How can I learn how property is appraised?
The Property Appraisers FAQ page answers many questions, including: how property is appraised, why does the appraised value change, what is Homestead Exemption.
The City of Punta Gorda website has information on their services.
How can I register to vote or become a candidate?
选举监督办公室的目的是登记选民, maintain the voters’ records, absentee balloting, early voting, 候选人资格和请愿签名验证. You can register online on their website.
税务官负责征收从价税和其他税种. 税务员同时也是包括税务局在内的几个州部门的代理人, Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, 以及佛罗里达鱼类和野生动物保护委员会. 使用税务官网站在线纳税.
General Information
You can view the full text of our County Charter online.
安排和县长见面, 请拨打941与朱迪斯·福利或娜塔莉·塞恩丘克联系.743.1944
Where can I search official records?
法院书记官负责保存澳门正规网赌网址大全的官方记录. Some of these records are searchable online.
Licenses & Taxes
Where can I get information on my property taxes?
The Charlotte County Tax Collector's office has information and forms online.
I don't understand how my property was appraised. Where can I get more information and pay my bill?
澳门正规网赌网址大全房产估价师有个在线 FAQ page. They also have a web page to pay your Tangible Personal Property taxes online.
Can I pay my property tax online?
佛罗里达州有两种从价税,分别是房地产税和有形个人财产税. 这些纳税报表在每年的11月1日左右寄出. You can pay your taxes online at the Tax Collector's website.
I need to renew my Driver License. What documents are required?
You can find a list of documents that are now required to renew your license. Renew your license online.
The 佛罗里达州公路安全和机动车辆部网站 有考试地点的列表吗. You can also renew online.
Where can I register my vehicle?
所有在佛罗里达州的机动车辆和拖车必须登记和/或标题. It is the responsibility of the Tax Collector, 以公路安全和机动车辆管理局代理人的身份, 为完成这项工作提供必要的服务和操作. 在线注册或访问税务办公室.
Hunting & Fishing
Do I need a license to hunt or fish in Florida?
Yes, 所有打算在佛罗里达州打猎或捕鱼的人都需要有效的执照或许可证, however, there are exemptions. More information.
Local Business Tax Receipt
What is a Local Business Tax Receipt?
地方营业税授予从事或管理企业的特权, profession, or occupation in Charlotte County. 这项税是在经营企业所支付的任何其他费用之外的. 2007年,由职业执照税更名为地方营业税.
- 地方营业税收据根本不是许可证. 它是地方政府授予从事或管理任何业务的特权的非调节税, profession or occupation.
- 当地营业税收据是不受监管的,只有在与古巴做生意时才能撤销, 或撤销政府机构颁发的地方或州许可证(例如:承包商), Physician, Cosmetologist, Realtor).
- 持有当地营业税收据作为“杂工”的人不能执行施工的任何阶段. They can only perform work such as re-screening, mowing lawns, carpet and linoleum installation, changing door locks and light bulbs, cleaning gutters, window tinting.
The Charlotte County Tax Collector has more information on Local Business Taxes.
申请和表格可在任何澳门正规网赌网址大全收税办公室和网上 their website.
New Business
澳门正规网赌网址大全法典第1章10-18节要求任何从事或管理任何业务的人, 在本县需要营业税收据的专业或职业, 必须在业务开始前取得营业税收据吗, profession, or occupation.
澳门正规网赌网址大全商会的组织宗旨是促进其商业成员和他们所服务的社区的繁荣和一般福利. Visit their website.
澳门正规网赌网址大全经济发展办公室为现有的工业或希望搬到佛罗里达州西南部的企业提供参考资料和援助. Visit their website.
恩格尔伍德-开普雾霾地区商会. 在促进社区发展的同时,鼓励负责任的商业发展和经济增长. Visit their website.
蓬塔戈尔达商会致力于改善当地的商业环境, 因为他们相信,当你的事业成功时, our community also prospers. Visit their website.