


电动注意: 由于资金有限, the following will receive prioritization for services under the LIHEAP program: Households that contain at least one member 60 years old or older; Households that contain at least one disabled member; or Households that contain at least one minor child. If your utilities are disconnected, 联系 941.833.6500 ext. 5 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. 到5点.m.


Your household may qualify for help paying rent, mortgage, utilities or minor home repair. Our Fastrack program allows you to fill out ONE application for multiple funding sources and grants that may help with bills and get things back on track. A documented financial crisis is required for rent or mortgage assistance.

  • Each grant/funding source has its own eligibility requirements–if you don’t qualify for one program, 你可能有资格申请其他项目.
  • Services are most often determined by household income, but other factors are considered. 
  • Most 项目 require participants to be at or below a specific level of household income according to these 收入准则 and provide certain documentation. 
  • Some 项目 require participation in short-, medium-, or long-term case management to qualify.
  • Funding availability may vary. 

Step 1: Gather your documents

Before you start the online application, gather and be prepared to upload the following documents:

  • Proof of Charlotte County Address (driver license, 状态标识, 租赁, 车辆注册登记, 选民登记卡)
  • Valid Picture ID (not expired) of all household members 18 or older
  • Birth Certificates of all children in the household 17 or younger
  • 社会 Security Cards of all household members
  • Proof of citizenship (applicant must be U.S. 公民或合法外国人)
  • Proof of income received within the last 30 days for all household members (支付stubs, 社会 Security Benefit Letter, 养老金, 孩子的抚养费, TANF, 失业率)
  • Current food stamp benefit letter (if applicable)
  • 最近的水电费帐单
  • If asking for rent or mortgage, there must be a documented crisis, (eviction/foreclosure notice, 失业, 意想不到的费用, 等.); applicants must provide a valid 租赁 and W-9 or current mortgage statement
  • Additional documents may be required upon review of your application

Applications MUST include all required documents. P租赁 do not submit multiple applications.

第二步:完成 Fastrack application online (西班牙语版)

留出充足的时间: completing your Fastrack application online, may take up to 30 minutes. 要有耐心. If you run into any problems while completing the application or are unable to complete a Fastrack application online, 拨打941.833.6500 ext. 5 .求助 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. 到5点.m.

If you have an immediate eviction notice, or if your water or electric has been turned off, 联系941.833.6500 ext. 5 .求助.

Step 3: 要有耐心 and wait to be 联系ed

Once your Fastrack application is completed, someone from the 人类服务 team will review your application and reach out to you by phone or email to complete the application and screening process. It’s important that your 联系 information is correct on the application, applications not completed within 10 calendar days will be denied.

You will be asked for verbal agreement to the following, it is your responsibility to review the forms when applying. Forms are provided for your review:
Other forms that may be requested:

没有钱, 现金, or checks will be requested or accepted from applicants or clients for services of any kind. If an employee asks for money, report this to the agency Executive Director or Department Head.

Delivering Exceptional Service

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