使命: To ensure sound fiscal stewardship and sustainability through budgeting analysis, and consultation to the public and policy makers. To ensure fiscal resources are budgeted responsibly and be good stewards of taxpayers money.

使命: To ensure sound fiscal stewardship and sustainability through budgeting analysis, and consultation to the public and policy makers. To ensure fiscal resources are budgeted responsibly and be good stewards of taxpayers money.
10月. 15, 2024 1:49 pm
The South Gulf Cove lock has reopened for daily manned operation from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. 只有.
10月. 15, 2024 1:25 pm
Three temporary drop-off locations for storm debris are now open for residential drop-off 只有, no contractors or businesses.
10月. 15, 2024 11:36 am
The Port Charlotte Public Library has reopened as of 10 a.m.10月. 15, following Hurricane Milton. The Port Charlotte Public Library and the Punta Gorda Charlotte Library have both resumed normal operating hours. The Englewood Charlotte Public Library remains closed.